Women need essential nutrients everyday.Their diet should contain the nutrients such as iron,calcium,vitamin K,vitamin D,vitamin A,potassium,magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.There are few vegetables that must be eaten by women regularly.These foods helps them to stay fit forever.

Broccoli :

Broccoli :
- The glucoraphanin present in broccoli makes our body to resist cancer.Cervical,breast cancer can be avoided.
- The magnesium,calcium and potassium present in broccoli helps to regulate blood pressure.
- Vitamin C,beta carotene,zinc are present in broccoli which helps to improve the immunity of the body.
- The carotenoid lutein present in it reduces the risk of heart diseases.
Onions :
- Chromium present in onion regulates blood sugar.
- Quercetin present in onion prevents cancer.
- Gastric ulcers are also prevented by regular intake of onion.
- The phytochemicals plays a role in improving the immunity of the body.